Friday, August 30, 2013


Hey there, its me again, slacker! At last this time I have a good excuse, I have been swamped with my Etsy shop. There really hasn't ben too much excitement going on but I am planning on making some changes!

Change #1: I'm going dark! I have been putting it off for many years now but I am finally making the jump and dying my hair brown. I haven't had dark hair for a long long time. I love being blonde, don't get me wrong but I am just tired of dealing with it. Since I am taking prenatal vitamins my hair grows like CRAZY! I literally have 1 inch roots within 2 months and I hate dying my hair. Not only is it time consuming but its expensive too. Now that my color will be more like my natural color I will be able to get away with it for longer. I'm thinking this!

Change #2: I cant take Clomid this upcoming month. That was the original plan but with my grandma coming from Poland mid cycle and then S traveling for work at the end of my cycle its just too much. I don't want to miss my ovulation time because either him or me will be traveling. Also, I think I ovulated this month! Even though I did OPK's I think I missed my surge. The Clear Blue OPK tell you to tell first thing in the AM and since I only had so many I couldn't test multiple times a day. I did have a slight raise in my temp after the whole month being crazy and my CM was definitely egg white right before the surge but since its so late in my cycle (CD 19) I highly doubt a pregnancy is possible with such a shot LP. Maybe postponing Clomid for another month may not be a bad idea.

Today I am having major burning in my uterus area. I have no idea what it is but I have been feeling it a lot lately around the time of my period coming. I'm on CD 21 out of 24 day cycle so period is just around the corner. I had my progesterone draw yesterday but have not heard back the results yet but I'm certain I know what the answer will be.

I'm excited for the weekend. Its a long weekend and I get my hair done. Then we have some family trips planned for this weekend and I am looking forward to some down time. Hope everyone has a good weekend!

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