Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I Cant Believe It

I cant believe it...it actually happened. Ovulated on CD 21 out of a 24 days cycle and after my period was 9 days late I finally got a positive. I didn't even think it was possible to get pregnant so late in your cycle. Its like my body skipped my period and just went on doing its thing. I guess the pains I was feeling last Friday was implantation.

Now, before I get all excited I have to face the reality of things and how things may go. I told S and he was super excited. I told him not to get too excited just yet, we still have some hurtles to get over. I had my progesterone tested today and will likely have the results tomorrow. Then at 2:30 I have my follow up appointment with the OB to likely do an ultrasound and talk if I need progesterone supplements.

The irony in all of this? This was the month the doctor wanted me to do unmonitored Clomid. I chose not to do it yet because I wanted another month of ttc on our own before I felt comfortable taking Clomid. Then we were going to put off Clomid for another month because we have a lot going on in the upcoming month and I didn't want to miss my ovulation day.

I am so excited but nervous at the same time. I want to be happy but the previous miscarriages cause me to be so cautious. Its like you know your life can be changed forever in a good way or everything can crumble again. Its hard having to prepare for both.

I ask that if you read this here to please not say anything elsewhere unless you are private messaging me. I don't want to say anything to anyone until I at least see the heartbeat this time around. This blog is my vent space and if you have the link chances are I trust you enough not to say anything. Thank you!

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