Monday, May 27, 2013

We Got A Grill!

Ok, ok, I know the news isn't all that exciting but it was the highlight of my weekend. We were going to go to NJ to celebrate my dads 50th birthday that is this week but A wasn't feeling too hot, we were just there after our vacation and I really didn't feel like driving 3 hours one way on a holiday weekend. I told them they are welcome to come down here but they didn't want to so yea, we know where we stand with that.

When we first moved here we got a charcoal grill because we thought it would we fun to have to do all the extra work and dealing with charcoal. That "excitement" died very fast. Yes, the food does taste better on a charcoal grill but you just cant beat the convenience of a gas grill. S really didn't want to change even though I think he has grilled a total of 5 times since we got the thing. My main argument was that I would love to use and cook with it but I just cant cook on a charcoal grill alone. Its too much work, especially with A running around.

After talking about it for a few days (really me nagging about it) he finally caved. He told me if I can sell our old charcoal one then we can get a new one. I sold it on craigslist for $90 overnight so today was our shopping day for a grill. We looked online and did some research we found one we like for $130. Then as it always happens, we went to Lowes to look at it and ended up buying one that cost us over $400 with the cover. I know that's quite a jump but the quality just could not be beat.

Its the KintchenAid 2 Burner and it works wonderful! We ended up getting a cover for it and since we spent over a certain amount we got a free gas tank. I took it for a test cookout today and I LOVED it! So easy to use, small enough for our family and it heats up/cools super fast. Here is what it looks like:

On a different note, my period is due to be here on Thursday/Friday. Will it come or will it skip me?? Hmm, cant wait to find out but I am not testing until at least Thursday for a piece of mind. I know if I test and see negative I will be down even though I know its still very early. Waiting is the worse!

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