Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Third Time is a Charm

Third time must be a charm because I went to the OBGYN today and we have a baby and a HB already! I am measuring at 5 weeks and 6 days and my due date is May 17th. I was hoping for May 29th which is my dads birthday but were close enough!

I am so so excited but still cautiously optimistic. The progesterone supplements are kicking my ass and making me not only cranky but super tired and just feeling blah. I am ready for bed by 8 pm almost every night and I could sleep for hours. Other then that I have no major symptoms which is a good thing. I was pretty much the same with A. Now that we saw the HB I am so tempted to tell people I will keep it on the down low for a few more weeks. Its hard to keep quiet!

I told S were going to need a bigger car ;-) We were so amazed that something so little that is only .44cm can already have a heartbeat. I saw it thumping away on the ultrasound and it just melted my heart. It took up about half of its body and it was the best sight ever. May cant come soon enough!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Progesterone Update

I haven't had a chance to get online and update since I've been traveling. The lab technician from the doctors office called me Friday about an hour before I was about to leave for NJ. Apparently my progesterone dropped. Last time it was 15.2 and now it was 10.5. Even though its still in the normal range its in the low normal range so the doctor prescribed me some progesterone pills. She gave me 100mg 2x per day until I am 10 weeks along. That's when the placenta takes over and progesterone is no longer as important. Thankfully I was able to pick them up right before my trip.

I am feeling pretty comfortable with this plan. This pregnancy feels a lot different than the last two that I lost. I noticed that I have a lot less discomfort which makes me wonder if the other pregnancies were doomed from the beginning. I had extreme burning sensation in my uterus area for both pregnancies that I lost but none with A and this one. I am going back to the doctors on Wednesday to get another ultrasound to see how things are progressing. I am HOPING we can see a heartbeat flicker.

We have been really enjoying our time in NJ. A and I got to visit our old apartment where S and I lived together for the first time and then we went to the beach. It was so much fun. A was smiling, chasing waves, playing with sand and we had an awesome lunch on the beach. Then we went to a local chocolate store and had caramel covered apples on the boardwalk. I miss living so close to the beach so much. We even got a little tan! Check us out today! Nothing beats cuddling with you baby while watching the waves roll by. What an amazing day!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Life Is Good

I'm feeling good today! My grandma is landing from Poland in an hour, I get to go see family tomorrow in NJ, take A to the beach where we used to live, enjoy the cooler weather and just relax. A had an awesome day today which has been rare lately with 4 teeth coming in.

I had my progesterone tested again so I should have the results back tomorrow. After this test I'm pretty sure I'm done with the testing. I think there is a panel they have you do once you are 6 weeks along which will likely be what I have to do at my next appointment. S and I decided that if everything works out with this pregnancy were not going to find out the sex of the baby. Not being able to get pregnant for a while put a perspective on things for us and I think it will be a nice to keep a little mystery in our lives.

On a side note I had a friend text me a picture this morning that shes expecting as well! Her daughter and A play all the time and I am so happy for her. Shes a little further along than I am, around 9 weeks but nobody knows about my pregnancy yet so its kind of funny to keep a little secret to myself.

I'll update on test results tomorrow. Fingers crossed progesterone is still high!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

If Only...

If only I had a $1 for every time I had someone tell me that I'm lucky I don't have to work... (then I really wouldn't have to work)

But this is the reality....

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Just called the doctors office to find out my progesterone levels and they are looking great! The level is 15.4 which is perfect and I am SO relieved. Still going in today at 2:30 to likely have my first ultrasound to check on the lining and progress. I am SO excited but still cautiously optimistic. I really hope this is it.

Doctor Update:
I just got back from the doctor and she said everything looks great so far. She wanted to do an ultrasound and the lining looks great and she showed me the corpus luteum on the ultrasound which was pretty neat to see. I have another appointment on the 25th (in 2 weeks) for another ultrasound to see how things are progressing and another progesterone draw in one week to see if there is any change. So far everything is looking up.

Thank you to everyone who send me a private message congratulating me. I hate keeping this from friends but I just cant deal with seeing and hearing all the congratulation's just to hear the I'm sorry's later on if things don't work out. Keep your fingers and toes crossed!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I Cant Believe It

I cant believe actually happened. Ovulated on CD 21 out of a 24 days cycle and after my period was 9 days late I finally got a positive. I didn't even think it was possible to get pregnant so late in your cycle. Its like my body skipped my period and just went on doing its thing. I guess the pains I was feeling last Friday was implantation.

Now, before I get all excited I have to face the reality of things and how things may go. I told S and he was super excited. I told him not to get too excited just yet, we still have some hurtles to get over. I had my progesterone tested today and will likely have the results tomorrow. Then at 2:30 I have my follow up appointment with the OB to likely do an ultrasound and talk if I need progesterone supplements.

The irony in all of this? This was the month the doctor wanted me to do unmonitored Clomid. I chose not to do it yet because I wanted another month of ttc on our own before I felt comfortable taking Clomid. Then we were going to put off Clomid for another month because we have a lot going on in the upcoming month and I didn't want to miss my ovulation day.

I am so excited but nervous at the same time. I want to be happy but the previous miscarriages cause me to be so cautious. Its like you know your life can be changed forever in a good way or everything can crumble again. Its hard having to prepare for both.

I ask that if you read this here to please not say anything elsewhere unless you are private messaging me. I don't want to say anything to anyone until I at least see the heartbeat this time around. This blog is my vent space and if you have the link chances are I trust you enough not to say anything. Thank you!

Friday, September 6, 2013

I Hope I Dont Jinx Myself

I finally told S I was 4 days late on my period. Naturally he got very excited but I told him not to get too excited just yet. We still have several hurtles to go over. I have been having cramping on and off all day and this afternoon I started potting brown and light pink. I have had this with all 3 pregnancies and it was implantation bleeding. The timelines line up so fingers crossed. I am nervous and excited all at once. I have not had a positive test yet but its only 7-10 days after ovulation which would make sense.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Still Nothing

My period is still MIA. Its now CD 28 and I haven't had a 28 day cycle since February! I didn't test today because I did ovulate super late (CD 21ish) so even if I did it would have been too early. Even if I am not pregnant (obviously even though I hope I am) I am so glad that my cycles are finally going back to normal. I will likely do an early read pregnancy test on Sunday morning. By then hopefully its late enough to tell me something.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Here is something interesting...I'm 2 days later on my period. All tests negative so far. I only ovulated what seems like 6 days ago so I'm not getting excited, maybe my body is just regulating itself back to normal. For the past 4 months my period has been very predictable, CD 24 around 5pm and now its CD 26 and still nothing.

Monday, September 2, 2013

I Did It!

I dyed my hair to brown and I LOVE it. It came out much better than I anticipated and I asked the girl to make it a little darker because I know it will still fade a decent amount. It took her almost 5 hours to get it done. We had to do it in 2 steps, first she dyed it really dark blonde to put some color back in my hair and then wash/dry and another round with the brown color. Otherwise my color would have just faded and washed out within a few weeks. Almost $300 later, S loves it too and and keeps telling me I look very "sultry" ha ha. He must have really loved it because he even ordered me a KitchenAid Mixer I have been asking for for a while.

On a different note, I think I definitely ovulated this month! Very late in the cycle but I still  ovulated. We will still hold off Clomid until the following month since next month is very crazy for us but who knows, maybe I will be lucky and it will happen on its own. Fingers crossed! Now I'm just dealing wit annoying cramps that come right before getting my period. Booo!